Rasulov U.R., Sharifov M.M., Shamsov A.T., Khasanov D.M., Rakhimov B.R., Sun'atulloev D.S.

The department of the internal diseases №3 TSMU by name Abuali ibn Sina The department of therapy with course of the endocrinology TIPGPMP

Acute leukemia, as a rare disease, is only 3% of human malignancies. The aim of treatment of acute leukemia is eradication of leukemic clone restore normal blood, achieveming long-term disease free survival of patients. This is achieved through the use of myelotoxical anticancer drugs that cause deep aplasia haemopoesis. In the present

paper summarises the results of the antitumor antibiotic antratcycline stimulants doxorubicin, with a joint appointment cardioprotector meldony. Under the supervision were 147 patients with acute leukemia. Among the observed patients 85 people received chemotherapy initially, 62 people — previously been subjected to chemotherapy effects. For the induction of remission patients of the 1st group was appointed polychemotherapy by the scheme "7+3". Patients in group 2 received similar polychemotherapy together with cardioprotector Mildronate. During the treatment of patients of group 1 in 32% of cases were observed sinus tachycardia, atrial and ventricular arrhythmia, changes in segment ST, 7% of cases developed a complete atrioventricular block that shows the development of early cardiac toxicity of doxorubicin. In 19,04% of cases in patients of group 2 were observed ventricular tachycardia, and changes in segment ST.


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Information about the authors:

Sunatulloev Davlatyor Sunatulloevich – the assistance ofdepartment of therapy and gerontology TIPGPMP; Tel: (992) 918709046


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