Khamidov D.D., Muradov A.M., Sharipov M.M., Khamidov D.B.

Department of anesthesiology and reanimotology of Tajik Institute of Post-Graduate Education of Medical Staff

Aim. To study the nature of autonomic regulation of heart rate during surgery and anesthesia care in patients with complicated hepatic echinococcosis using heart rate variability.

Material and Methods. The work was based materials obtained during the examination and treatment of 78 patients with complicated hepatic echinococcosis (EIA). The study was conducted in 78 patients with simultaneous intraoperative haemodynamic monitoring and recording of cardio (rhythmogram) monitor Dash — 3000/4000 the company Dreger (Germany) for 1-2 minutes in 4 stages . To monitor the adequacy of the form of anesthetic management to explore the use of heart rate variability (HRV).

Results. During the operation according to the HRV revealed a lack of protection of patients from the surgical aggression operated under general anesthesia compared with patients operated under the combined epidural anesthesia.

Conclusions. The traditional multi-component balanced anesthesia adequately protect the patient from surgical aggression compared with epidural anesthesia with sedation provides sufficient protection for the patient from surgical aggression , as evidenced by the nature of autonomic regulation of cardiac rhythm .


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