Sistolo-diastolic function patterns of the left ventricle at the patiants with ishemic heart disease complicated by the complete av-blockade

Sistolo-diastolic function patterns of the left ventricle at the patiants with ishemic heart disease complicated by the complete av-blockade

Eltanazarov M., Olimov N., Samadov Sh.

It was spent results of echocardiography study of the heart systolo-diastolic functions at 53 patients with Ischemic Heart Disease complicated by the Complete AV-blockade. The main results of this study is that there is total IHD geneis AV-blockade depending on existence remoteness cause to essential heart function disorder in a systole and in diastole. There is tight correlative connection between the remoteness of  Complete AV- blockade and left ventricle systolic function indicator, whereat diastole function passes on to heavier type. 


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