About Journal


From 2011 to 2014 the journal was called "Scientific and practical journal of Tajik Institute of Post-Graduate Education of medical Staff". According to Resolution of the Government of Republic of Tajikistan № 148 from 3 March 2014 and Order of Ministry of Health and Social Protection of Republic of Tajikistan № 91 from 17 March 2014, the Tajik Institute of Post-graduate Education of Medical Staff of  Ministry of Health renamed to State Education Establishment “Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Sphere of Republic of Tajikistan”(SEE IPEiHS RT). Because of renaming of institute the title of the journalchangedto — "Herald of institute of postgraduate education in health sphere".

"Herald of institute of postgraduate education in health sphere" publishes articles on many problems of a health care system of practical medicine.

The journal publishes advanced and original articles, short communications, cases from practice, literature reviews, proceedings of conferences and lectures. All the materials are reviewed and discussed by the editorial council.

Publishing house –Science and Publishing Department ofState Education Establishment “Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Sphere of Republic of Tajikistan”

Additional information

Registration year of scientificperiodical publication


Inclusion of publication into the system of Russian Science Citation Index



Availability of the English version of the scientific periodicals


Availability of full-text versions in Internet


Founder of scientific periodicals

State Education Establishment “Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Sphere of Republic of Tajikistan”

Chief editor of the scientific periodicals

AhmedovAlamhon, corresponding member ofAcademy of Medical Sciences of Republic of Tajikistan, doctor of medical sciences, professor, rector ofState Education Establishment “Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Sphere of Republic of Tajikistan”, head of department of Public health, economics, management of health with a course of medical statistics of State Education Establishment “Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Sphere of Republic of Tajikistan”

(+992 372) 236-06-90



500 exemplars

Periodicity of publication

Quarterly, (4 times in a year)

The presence of Reviewing Institution


Registration certificate number in mass media

Re-registered in the Ministry of Culture of Republic of Tajikistan from 21.01.2011. № 0140/martyr

from 27.11.2014 № 0218 / martyr

Number ISSN


The subscription index in catalog «PochtaiTojik»


State registration number of national patent and information center of RT


The presence in the scientific periodical of the list of requirements and conditions provided for publications



Presence in the list of requirements and conditions provided for publications, of the item "payment from authors for publication of manuscripts is not charged"







Journal is in the process of registration to Scopus and to the list of reviewed scientific publications of HAC RF

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