Comparative estimation of efficiency of some methods of treatment papillomatos throats at children
Comparative estimation of efficiency of some methods of treatment papillomatos throats at children
Shamsidinov B.N., Mahmudnazarov M.I., Bekov A.A., Shajdoev S.S., Bustonov M.O.
During the period with 2006 for 2010 under supervision of authors there were 45 children with papillomatosis of laryngs in children’s ЛОР — branch NMS MZ RT by which during the first hours stay in branch in an emergency order it is spent endolaryngeal removal of papillomas of a throat. With the account of character of a clinical current papillomatosis of laryngs patients have been divided into 2 groups. In the postoperative period, patients of both groups have received viferon-2 (500 000 МЕ) on 1 суппозиторий two times a day with the 12-sentry an interval every other day. Course of treatment made 5 days. For preventive maintenance of relapses of disease 17 (70 %) the patient of 1 group and 10 (60 %) to patients of the second group the first days after operation have been entered preparations индукторы interferon (ИФН) — амиксин and циклоферон. Clinical supervision have shown that in groups where patients have received complex therapy with application амиксина and циклоферона in a combination with антиоксидантой therapy frequency of relapses of disease were reduced almost in 2 times. From here conclusions that endolaryngeal removal of throat papillomas with the subsequent use индукторов interferon and antioxidants in the postoperative period is the optimal and effective method of complex therapy papillomatosis of laryngs at children are drawn.