Muradov A.M., Yakubov M.R.
The department of efferent medicine and intensive therapy of TIPGPMP
Diseases of respiratory organs are in the lead in the overall morbidity of the population, taking 1st place in the structure of primary morbidity worldwide and deaths from which is on the 4th place in the overall structure of death after circulatory diseases, injuries, poisoning and cancer. In work the analysis of indicators of mortality from respiratory diseases in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period 2000 to 2010. It is revealed, that in structure of total mortality from diseases 2010 diseases occupied the 4-th rank place, after malignant neoplasms. As a result of statistical analysis revealed a trend towards increased mortality among people of working age. This situation is explained by the fact that the majority of persons of working age due to fear of job loss, despite not feeling well, continue to work and this leads to late start of therapy and adherence complications. In 2002, the mortality from pneumonia in the Republic remained at a high enough level that is connected with late referral for medical care, medical errors in diagnosis of the disease and inadequate selection of therapy. The second by frequency of mortality in 2002 followed acute respiratory infections of the upper respiratory tract. Based on the structural analysis of deaths from chronic lower respiratory disease, States that the greatest contribution to the formation of this indicator belong mortality from bronchitis, asthma and other respiratory diseases affecting mainly the interstitial tissue.
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Information about the authors:
Yakubov Mahmud — the assistance of department of efferent medicine and intensive therapy TIPGPMP, Cn. med. sci.; Tel: (+992)918701322; e- mail: