• Comparative estimation of efficiency of some methods of treatment papillomatos throats at children

    Shamsidinov B.N., Mahmudnazarov M.I., Bekov A.A., Shajdoev S.S., Bustonov M.O.

    During the period with 2006 for 2010 under supervision of authors there were 45 children with papillomatosis of laryngs in children’s ЛОР – branch NMS MZ RT by which during the first hours stay in branch in an emergency order it is spent endolaryngeal removal of papillomas of a throat. With the account of character of a clinical current papillomatosis of laryngs patients have been divided into 2 groups. In the postoperative period, patients of both groups have received viferon-2 (500 000 МЕ) on 1 суппозиторий two times a day with the 12-sentry an interval every other day. Course of treatment made 5 days. For preventive maintenance of relapses of disease 17 (70 %) the patient of 1 group and 10 (60 %) to patients of the second group the first days after operation have been entered preparations индукторы interferon (ИФН) – амиксин and циклоферон. Clinical supervision

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  • Structural studying of pathology ENT bodies at children for the five years’ period

    Shamsidinov B.N., Mahmudnazarov M.I., Gijasov H.A., Kosimov A.A., Shajdoev S.S.

    In given article authors make the analysis of structure hospital ENT pathologies at children according to case records for the five years’ period on an example children’s ENT branches of the National medical centre of Republic Tajikistan. The increase in number of planned hospitalisation over the last 5 years is noted. It is established that in structure нозологических forms of diseases ENT of bodies of children’s age a leading place occupy a pathology of the top respiratory ways. The tendency to increase in number of patients with the complicated forms of a chronic purulent average otitis, and also papilomatos throats is revealed. Conclusions are drawn on organisation perfection оториноларингологической the help to children by carrying out of regular preventive actions on places and timely treatment of sharp pathologies ENT of bodies at children.

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  • Reproductive health of the women rendering commercial sexual services

    M.O. Bobokhojaeva

    The condition of reproductive health of the women rendering commercial sexual services in a city of Dushanbe is studied. Clinical inspection there have passed 300 working women of sex. The low index of somatic health is revealed, among РС diseases urine ways (34,6 %), disease intestinal path (13 3 %), disease of bodies of breath (6, 7 %) are most extended an anaemia (46,7 %), endocrine infringements (58, 2 %). In structure of a gynecologic pathologyinflammatorydiseasesofbodiesofasmall basin (ВЗОТ) – 94, 3 %, infringements menstrual a cycle – 27, 2 %, barreness – 13, 3 %, precancer diseases of a neck of a uterus – 5, 8 % are most extended. Among them address contraception, widespread the abortion practice is not spent, all it brings the contribution to a condition of reproductive and sexual health, vulnerability to , sexually transmitted infections and puts forward on the first place a problem of improvement of access of highly vulnerablegroup-workingwomenofsextoservices

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  • Possible estimation failure of diabetes mellitus in dentistry patients

    Ashurov G.G., Shakirov M.N., Dzhuraeva Sh.F.

    In the article the study of failure diabetes of 106 patients (46 women, 60 men) in oral cavity was made. Results investigation was shown direct correlation between pathologic action of carbohydrate exchange, statues of parodontal diseases quality of the life of dentistry patients.

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  • Efficacy of fluсopt to treat otomycosis in children

    Azizov K. N., Bustonov M. O., Abdukhalilov Z. A., Azimova S. Ch.
    In article are results of clinical study of efficacy of flucopt used to treat otomycosis in children. according to the results of the study flucopt has effectively surpressed the mycotic in-fection and ameliorated symptoms of the disease, thus promoting earlier recovery.

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  • The organization and activity of diagnostic service of the various countries (the literature review)

    Thus, the literature review has shown that diagnostics as scientific discipline, developed in indissoluble communication with other scientific disciplines. The key moment of its development was the wide experience of great scientific Gippokrata, Galena, Avitsenny, and also the organization of school of medicine in the countries of the East, Asia, Europe. Formation of the diagnostic centers, as in Europe, America, and in the countries of the former USSR became an important stage of development of diagnostic service. Activity of the kliniko-diagnostic centers shows their conclusive advantage and rather considerable role in public health services system. Thus efficiency of activity providing at the expense of introduction of the expensive equipment, modern methods of research and presence of highly-skilled personnel.

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  • Optimization of combined treatment of fractures of the long bones in patients with signs of fatty hiperglobulemiya

    Sirodzhov K.H., Karimov K.K., Mirov N. Sh. Ahmedov Sh.M.
    This paper analyses the results of treatment of 78 patients admitted to hospital with different mechanisms of injury, which was provided emergency and scheduled inpatient care. Together with a complex of modern medical – diagnostic measures authors studied a prognostic significance of diagnostics fat globulemiya. Express method according to Kornilov, which contributed to the early diagnosis of the syndrome of fat embolism and improve the results of surgical treatment of patients with injuries of the musculoskeletal system.

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  • Detection of flat in the practice of family doctors

    Mirzoyeva Z. A., Zaripova I.I., Davlyatova D.D.
    Plantogrammy method is simple, affordable, cheap technique. Every family physician should possess this practical skill to detect and prevent the development of flatfoot and its complications, while referred to a specialist and give correct advice.

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  • The role of family doctors in planning family

    Mirzoeva Z.A., Hisomova H.K., Ortikova M.M.
    In the result of increasing level coverage of contraceptive methods decreasing the rate of birth, prevention of pregnancy, decreasing of abortion and chronic urogenital disease, decreasing of maternal mortality.

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