• Standard feature of the individual variety of the functional factor’s organism in patients with periodontal pathology

    Karimov S.M., Makhmudov D.T., Gurezov M.R., Yorakov F.M.
    Pathological changes of the periodontal tissue beside examined patient greatly connection with the general reaction of the organism, which is characterized it is enough high degree and reaction heart and vessels systems. Degree of the defeat periodontal fabric is determined level to accustomed motor activity and each functional type has their own physiological particularities of the factors heart and vessels systems and corresponding to reaction periodontal fabric on damaging factor of the system nature.

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  • Optimization of a tactical approach when combined fractures of long bones

    Karimov K.K, Ashurov B.O., Barotov H.N., Sharipov U.L.
    In the work of the studied result of the treatment of 73 patients with impairment of long tubular bones of the lower extremities, received at the clinic for emergency and planned manner. All patients were complex clinico-diagnostic approach and appropriate treatment.
    The result of the study States that early stable-functional osteosynthesis of a grant minimize disability, early activation of the patients, and also the restoration of the static-dynamic functions and kinematic balance of the musculoskeletal system.

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  • The optmizacllucebnogo proctss in the medical schools of a sо

    Isomidinov А.I., Isomodinov А.А.
    Thus account of the horizontal and vertical forms of training, their integration and realization of other new educational games, interconnected to various disciplines, in all (theoretical and practical) faculties is capable to raise an educational, scientific and professional level of the future doctor. Such approach helps the student will learn skill to put before itself the purpose to analyze and to give synthesis to the received knowledge to find ways of the decision of the put task, will join and to look at a subject from others scientific integrative points of view.

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  • The carriage tactic of dental implantation, for sick’s who pronounced atrophic chops

    Jonibekova R. N.
    Technology happens to In article and tactics of the undertaking dental to implantations with expressed atrophy of the jaws. It Is Offered at deficit of the bone structures augmentation and installation dental implant conducts with using small granulated biocompatible nickel titanium in combinations with platelet concentrate ( the factor of the growing).

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  • Intensity of halitosis condition of oral cavity in patients with periodontal inflammatory diseases

    Ashurov G.G., Dzhumaboev D.B.
    Got results on study halitosis condition of oral cavity beside 78 patients are indicative of intercoupling the unsatisfactory hygienic condition and increased concentrations flying chamois join in exhaled air. Amongst examined persons is determined even growing difference with increase level flying chamois of the join in exhaled air from 154.31% in 1 group before 283.76% in 4 groups that speaks the under investigation factors of close-fitting intercoupling.

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  • X-ray estimation to alveolar bone in patients with chronic diseases organ and systems

    Ashurov G.G., Ismoilov A.A.
    On the grounds of X-ray examination patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (25), endocrine (27) and cardiovascular (26) pathology is installed risk of the development osteoporosis of the alveolar offshoot and is forecasted development actively progressing resorbtion of the bone fabrics. Amongst patients with presence raised mineral sediment in year, 18 months and 3 accordingly in 85,7% , 81,6% and 79,5% events X-ray’s were not noted reduction of the height interdentally alveolar partition. For similar period of the observation beside persons without surplus sediment calcium on peripheries of the alveolar offshoot importance reduction of the height interdentally alveolar partition corresponded to 74,3%, 69,2% and 61,7%.

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  • The trends reproducing of the population of the Repablic Tadzhikistan in new economic condition

    Akhmedov A.A., Bobokhojaeva M.O., Nazirova M.A., Kasimova M.K., Khusainova A.A.
    On material State statistical Agency at Government RT,the annual report data Centre of Reproductiv health (Natinal, re- gional,Dushanbe citi.),Republican Centre of the medical statistics and information MZ RT for last 20 years, The General census of the Repablic Tadzhikistan 2000 and sociological questioning 2000 persons by questionnaire method of the population of the row city and region of the republic to student trends reproducing the population,are determined modern factors,influencing upon birth rate fnd track record of the change to birth rate in condition of the transition to market economies.

    The Changes to speaker of the factors reproducing the population of Tadzhikistan at transformatiionfl period conditionally possibl to value as transition from mfinli traditinfl to modern to type reproduction.

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  • Planed relaparotomiya in treatment of the terminal stage of the general peritonitis

    Аkilov H.D., Kaharov M. A., Sidikov A. U.
    We analyzed the results of surgical treatment of 61 patients admitted to hospital in the terminal stage of peritonitis. Along with a complex of modern medical diagnostic measures the authors studied the prognostic significance of MPI, which allowed surgeons to concentrate on the most difficult group of patients. The dynamics of change in the number of microbial cells during the planned renovation of the abdomen that will optimize the treatment policy for these patients. Research in this direction is continuing.

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