• Influence adiposity at women on an outcome of pregnancy and sorts

    Nurmatov A.A., Nurmatova Z.I., Ibragimova N.I., Rakhimov of M. Н.
    Thus, the adiposity, which frequency has an authentic tendency to increase, is a negative background for development of pregnancy and a current of sorts. The complications specified in work authentically are is more often noted at a combination of adiposity to others others disease by diseases. Hence, women with adiposity should be carried to group of risk of development of complications during pregnancy, in sorts and perinatal disease. Frequency of complications of pregnancy and perinatal outcomes are defined by presence and degree of expressiveness НЖО (infringement of a fatty exchange), increase proportionally to increase of degree of adiposity. The further researches will allow to win the answer contract the arisen questions and to optimize tactics of conducting pregnancy and sorts at women with adiposity.

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  • The clinical and immunological features of onychomycosis in elderly and the senile age

    Каsimov O. I., Salimov B. M., Каsimov A. O.
    From among 45 patients at the age of 60-85 (men – 36, women – 9) with onychomycosis 23 (51.1%) had distal and lateral form, 5 (11.1%) – superficial and white, 6 (13.3%) – proximal and hyponychial, 11 – total and dystrophic. All patients with onychomycosis had various forms of the athlete’s foot. The cell immunity decreased (fall of CD3 and CD8) and the humoral one increased (raise of IgM, IgG and the circulating immune complexes).

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  • Ekological unusual use herbae Origanum qualitative detoxikacion and regined means

    Zubaydova T.M., Nuraliev Yu. N., Ghaniev Kh.A.
    The herbae Origanum as classical underefined means with the theory of Avicena increase the function of all excreate systems (bowels, kidneys, respiratory, disease, clemni and sebctons qlands).
    Refiring watery medium of organism (biood composition, limps, urine and the watery bilious) tissue consider the tactical hersion-tajik medicine.
    The preparion used with those purpose ibn Cino called retiring means, whose low to assist dusting wish toksical thing from organism, between sebseous and clammy glands, conaider wide apply Origanum as detoxical resources.

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  • Clinic-instrumental and morphological feature Disease Banti

    Gaibuloev M.M., Kaharov M.A., Barotov I. Sh.
    The paper analyses the current state of diagnostics and treatment of rare spleen and liver disease – Banti disease. Provide histological research of liver and spleen in different stage of diseases. On the basis of sufficient clinical material efficiency of the operational treatment in the first and second stages of the disease is shown . Which improves the quality of patients life and stabilizes the reticuloendothelial system. In the third stage of the Banti disease symptomatic treatment is preferable

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  • Bioelectric activity of brain and nervous-mental status of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in the remote.

    Aliyev Z.D., Odinaev Sh.F., Odinaev F.I., Mehmonov P.H.
    A study of bioelectric activity brain (for 100 people) of neuropsychological status (1464) persons involved in the accident and its effects on Chernobyl showed reduction bioelectric activity of brain dysfunction-median structures of the brain by patofiziologičeskih developments intensity of metabolic processes in the brain. Radiative forcing in remote time significantly affect the functional status of the nervous system and in structure of morbidity in place leading liquidators asteno-neurotic condition, neurocirculatory dystonia and discirculatory encephalopathy.

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  • Influences of age on expressed and frequency of separate components of metabolic syndrome at the patients with podagra

    Abduloev H.J.

    Age dimorphism hypertriglyceridemia at the patients with podagra proved to be true also by presence of return correlation relation between a level of whey triglyceridemias and age on the moment of inspection. The frequency of revealing of the increased meaning of AP, on the contrary, has increased with age. It proved to be true also by presence of direct correlation dependence between age and absolute meanings systolic and diastolic of AP. Naturally, that the duration of disease was progressively increased with age of the surveyed patients. Nevertheless, the patients were younger, the in earlier age debuted podagra.

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  • Efficiency of antimushrooms therapy in complex treatment of the candida’s mucous of oral cavity

    Dzhuraeva Sh.F., Ashurov G.G., Shakirov M.N.
    Results of the study are indicate that using of antimushrooms preparation has allowed vastly to raise efficiency an therapy of the candida’s mucous of oral cavity and can be recommended for broad practical use. Under long antibacterial therapy, acceptance of corticosteroid’s, citoctatic’s necessary to fix the antimushrooms antibiotics in preventive dose inside. Discovery and treatment of the main disease with other specialist often requires combination some medicine, repeated treatment course or supporting treatments, without which is not provided success of the local antimushrooms therapy of oral cavity.

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  • The connection of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum Identification of Helicobacter pylori of chronic pancreatitis.

    Ducmatov A.V., Mirodgov G.K., Ichankulova D.M., Raupov N.G.
    During exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis, most often changes of gastric mucosa-coolant and duodenum, which takes the form of active inflammation of gastric mucosa, otrafiyu, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum. Thus during the exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis in Hp-positive patients was dominated by inflammatory changes of gastric mucosa, superficial gastritis, manifested a bright gipermiey mucosa, predominantly fundus and antrum, thickening, swelling, swollen folds.

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