• Pregnancy planning in women with the syndrome of pregnancy loss and cytomegalovirus infection

    Rustamova M.S., Radjabova S.A.

    The obtained results of negative cytomegalovirus infection influence on the course of gestation process and the principles of safe motherhood point to carrying of pregnancy planning in women with the syndrome of pregnancy loss. Complex of measures carried out during the predgravidous period was effective in restoring reproductive function in women with pregnancy loss syndrome in cytomegalovirus infection. Prevention and remission of cytomegalovirus infection process, contribute to a favorable outcome of pregnancy, for the majority (71,9%) of women, decrease reproductive fetus loss (3 times) and perinatal mortality (7,4 times) .

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  • Preventive maintenance and therapy of shortage of iron in an organism at pregnancy

    Nurmatova Z.I., Nurmatov A.A., N.I. Ibragimov
    Thus, the preparation of folic acid (folacini) can be recommended for wide application in practical public health services in female consultations, maternity hospitals for treatment of anemia’s at pregnant women and women in childbirth in the postnatal period, especially at transferred blood in тhe use and early postnatal the periods or at a Cesarean section. The given preparation is safe; simple in also does not demand additional service (the pregnant woman can easy accept itself).
    It is not necessary to stop treatment by preparations of iron after normalization of level of hemoglobin and the maintenance earitrocitis in an organism. Normalization of level of hemoglobin in an organism does not mean restoration of stocks of iron in it. For this purpose experts the CART recommend after 2-3 the monthly treatments and liquidation hematology a picture of an anemia not to stop therapy carrying out, and only to reduce twice a dose of

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  • About the prediabetogenic effect of lemon juice Citrus limon (L)

    Nuraliev. Yu. N., Ghaniev. Kh.A., Zubaydova. T.M.,.Samandarov N.Y.
    Testing experiments discovered the new unknown phisiological and patogenitical uccuronce connects the breaching of metabolism process on the whole of corbohidrate exchange, prediabetes of patogenes and insulinresistion, mark the beginning metabolitical sindrom with the hard results of illness.
    At the state of development the prediabet and insulinresistion the patient must not be use acid food products with cold nature and use products high level alkaline elements.
    Only this method of medical prophilaction measures, as recommended and practiced famous Avicena low to stop the developing growth of diabetes and other illness.

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  • The analysis of application of practice of abortion among women of Sogd area.

    Nazirova M.A, Ahmedov А.A, Kasymova M. K.
    On the basis of the analysis of statistical materials of the State agency at the Government of Republic Tajikistan, the Republican Center of medical statistics and the information of Ministry of Health of the Republic Tajikistan, given annual reports Hudzhand regional Centers of Reproductive health, and also data of annual reports of obstetrical establishments of Sogd area for 2001-2010 it is established, that among women of reproductive age widespread abortion practice that testify to unsatisfied requirement of women of active reproductive age for contraception and about necessity of carrying out of actions for expansion of access of target groups to services in the field of reproductive health and family planning.

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  • Status and prospects of integration of physicians ambulance (SMP)

    Muminov B.G., Mirzoyeva Z.A.
    Conclusion to improve continuity of service SMEs with family doctors in the Republic of Tajikistan worthwhile taking some regulations providing these services, relationships with stimulating dispensary patients and encourages patient-surrogate technologies and strengthen the role of information technology.
    In the long term integration of physician SMP with a family doctor leads to unloading of high cost hospital bed and resource-intensive service SMEs, reducing indirect and direct economic costs ultimately reduce disability and mortality of the population.

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  • Some aspects of the normative – legal base of ambulance service in the Republic of Tajikistan

    Muminov B., Akhmedov A.

    Legislative and legal framework that regulates the organization of emergency medical services in the Republic of Tajikistan does not reflect the modern features. Provide emergency medical care not determined the composition and the principles of state regulation, as well as interaction with other first responders in the new economy.
    The current standard rate of 1 ambulance per 10 thousand populations does not account for the geographical feature of the topography and density of living of the population.
    The current statistical reporting focused on quantitative measures and requires revision in favor of qualitative indicators of emergency medical services.

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  • The skrining of crawfish of neck’s womb by means of vaginal svad of pap in the practice of doctor’s family

    Mirzoeva Z. A., Khajaeva D. S., Abdulhaeva Sh.R., Kabirov K. M.

    Dab screening according to Papanikolau should cover age from 30 to 60 years with a condition of passing of screening each 5 years. The obtained data and experience of carrying out screening show that quality of dabs and correctness of the cytologic diagnosis have bigger value for decrease in a disease by a cancer of a neck of a uterus, than increase in frequency of screening or the screening beginning at earlier age. The majority of cases of a weak displaziya (CIN 1) without treatment is exposed to return development while cases of a heavy displaziya (CIN III) without treatment tend to development of an invasive cancer. The most “vulnerable” site is the zone of transition multilayered flat an epiteliya in cylindrical epiteliya. This research traced the women (424) who have addressed to family doctors to whom dab on flora was taken. The big percent of incidence was observed by inflammatory diseases among women at the age

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  • Clinical manifestations of urinary disorders and their evaluation in different stages of menopause

    Mirzаbekova B.T., Mukhamadieva S.M., Sultanova M.
    The features of the clinical manifestations of urination disorders are their difficulty in all age periods of menopause: stress – in 54.6%, urge – in 46.6%, the imperative – to 42.9%. Anonymous survey of women at menopausal age with the use of rating scales let us to evaluate voiding disorders severity of subjective symptoms, quality of life of this category of patients and conduct performance monitoring of therapeutic measures. An integrated approach with involvement of related professionals will quickly identify reproductive tract disorders and improve this category of patients

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