• The clinical and immunological features of onychomycosis in elderly and the senile age

    Kasimov O. I., Salimov B. M., Kasimov A. O.

    From among 45 patients at the age of 60-85 (men – 36, women – 9) with onychomycosis 23 (51.1%) had distal and lateral form, 5 (11.1%) -superficial and white, 6 (13.3%) – proximal and hyponychial, 11 – total and dystrophic. All patients with onychomycosis had various forms of the athlete’s foot. The cell immunity decreased (fall of CD3 and CD8) and the humoral one increased (raise of IgM, IgG and the circulating immune complexes).

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  • Differentiated approach to surgical treatment of groin hernias.

    Pirov B.S., Nurmatova M.M.

    In work analysed results of operative treatment of 283 patients during the period with 1997 on 2011 with groin hernias by which in a planned and emergency order it is made Hernia section. The patient intraoperative 1s made measurement of structures groin’s channel, is revealed degree of changes of fabrics also picks up a method of operations. Thus some kinds of groin section are modified by us. At the risk of development of complications and differentiated approach it is possible to lower percent of relapse of disease to 1,3 %.

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  • Youth and their reproductive health

    Nurmatova Z.I., Nurmatov А.А., usupova M.R.

    As a result of research it is established that reproductive health is influenced by such factors, as a somatic and gynecologic pathology. It once again confirms necessity for timely informing of youth on problems of reproductive health and increase of their responsibility for own health. Themes on preservation of the health which excite youth, were various – questions of effective contraception, abortions and their consequences, preventive maintenance, a HIV of an infection, oncological diseases of genitals. Thus, results of socially-psychological diagnostics of personal factors of reproductive behavior allow to approach to deeper understanding of values of reproductive health of youth, desires, motives, expectations, инициаций in decision-making at modern young men and girls of reproductive age, and also to develop adequate practical psihologosocial recommendations and effective technicians of work with young men. It once again

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    Nurmatov A.A., Nurmatova Z.I., Ibragimova N.I., Rakhimov of MM.

    Thus, the adiposity, which frequency has an authentic tendency to increase, is a negative background for development of pregnancy and a current of sorts. The complications specified in work authentically are is more often noted at a combination of adiposity to others others disease by diseases. Hence, women with adiposity should be carried to group of risk of development of complications during pregnancy, in sorts and perinatal disease. Frequency of complications of pregnancy and perinatal outcomes are defined by presence and degree of expressiveness НЖО (infringement of a fatty exchange), increase proportion-ally to increase of degree of adiposity. The further researches will allow to win the answer contract the arisen questions and to optimize tactics of conducting pregnancy and sorts at women with adiposity.

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