• The treatment of pacient with a stroke

    Sharifova B.A., Abdurakhmanova R.F., Khadibaeva G.R., Izzatov K.N.
    During the research the effect of the following medicine with the group of patients with the first time stroke was observed. The medications are: Anitigipertetion – Group of Sartan and Dizagrigation – The combination of Asperin with Dipiridamol. The result of the research has shown, that the medications possess neuro – protective effects and can be used for the prophylactics of the second time stroke.

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  • Modern possibilities of diagnostics and surgical treatment of the acute cholecystitis at sick of the virus hepatitis “B” and “C”

    Tagoybekov Z.S., Akhmedov S.M., Safarov B.D., Rasulov N.A.
    It has been analyzed the results of complex diagnostic and surgical methods treatment of patients with acute calculus cholecystitis accompanied by virus hepatitis «В» and «С».
    In depend from types of destructive acute cholecystitis and its complications there have been used a different type of chole- and hemostatic methods after cholecystectomy such as pnevmothermocoagulation and «Tachokomb» platelets.

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  • Diagnostics of osteoporosis under psoriatic arthropathy

    Kholova Z.U.
    Osteopenic syndrome is the pure complicated PA. The development of osteoporosis under PA associate with high activity, gravity pathologic process, intake of glucocorticosteroids. In patients of PA with complicated osteoporosis have pains evident pain syndrome in bones in comparison with patients, that haven’t osteoporosis.

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  • Influence of metabolic activity of a brain on a current of the sharp period at patients with concomitant a craniocereberal trauma

    Sirodzhov K.H., Muradov A.M., Ashurov B.O., Ahmedov S.M.,Tabarov A.
    Studying some aspects of metabolic activity of a brain in the sharp period concomitant a craniocereberal trauma, by research jugular venous blood at 38 patients, degree dependence of infringements of indicators of systems of a hemostasis and electrolits an exchange from weight of damage and weight craniocereberal trauma is revealed.

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  • Intrarenal hemodynamics at the typhoid fever, complicated by acute renal failure

    Sangov M. S., Muradov A. M., Rahmonov E. R.
    Results of research of patients are given in work by a typhoid, complicated sharp nephritic insufficiency at which indicators in nephritic haemo dynamics were studied. By researches at different levels of nephritic haemo dynamics it is proved that it directly depends on system or central haemo dynamics, decrease in indicators of UO, UI, SI and in-crease in OPSS, and also pulmonary pressure that leads to authentic decrease in a blood-groove in a nephritic artery which depends on weight of OPN, degree of a gipovolemiya and endogenny intoxication at a typhoid.

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  • Operation of emergency medical services and evaluation of its effectiveness in diverse countries around the world

    Muminov B.G., Akhmedov A.A.
    Choosing a model service organization depend on many factors. In the developed countries to the fore the economic aspects. In this connection, he prefers low-cost paramedical teams. In Russia and CIS countries in the Republic of Tajikistan to doctors there is no single approach. It would be expedient to adopt organizational commitment in the choice of the ratio of different teams (specialized, linear, BIT, paramedical and paramedical teams), in favor of teams BIT, paramedical and paramedical teams.

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  • Psychosomatic systems «in the light» of the classical medical anthropology

    Muzaffari M.
    The article highlights the psychosomatic problems «in the light» of medical anthropology. In the classical treatises on medical anthropology the problem of human nature are considered from the ontological, epistemological and cosmological positions.
    Genesis and formation of human body according to the authors of treatises was made possible by the existence of the five great elements. The human nature is the highest link in the chain of creation. Five human senses based on above mentioned elements. In medical anthropological treatises all information which related to physical, mental and intellectual nature of human being presented in systematical form.

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  • Retrospective estimation results of endodontic’s treatment in patients with somatic pathology

    Ismoilov A.A., Aurochs N.G.
    Results of the retrospective analysis of endodontic treatments analyzed beside 609 persons at age from 20 before 60 with presence of commonsomatic pathology in article. Got data point to insufficient possession physician modern technology that from dentist is require mastering and intensive introduction modern endodontic technology of the passing root channel and their obturation with use of corresponding filling materials.

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  • Diagnosis and surgical treatment of occlusive lesions of brachiocephalic arteries

    Gulmurod U.T., Sultonov D.D., Gulmurodov T.G.
    Observed the results of observation and surgical treatment of 102 patients with occlusions defeat of brachiocephalicus trunk and artery subclavia, caused by atherosclerosis (57), nonspecific aorto-arterition (36), and consequences of traumas of arteries (9). Investigation of regional and a brain haemodynamics has shown that occlusion of trunk brachiocephalicus and I – segment artery subclavia essential decrease a brain blood-groove for the account “steal syndrome” on vertebral and to sleepy arteries.
    Choice of a method of operation depended on localization, quantities and extents of defeat of vessels. Shunting operative interventions were applied: intrathoracies (18) and extrathoracies (82). At defeats of left sleepy and subclavia arteries used link sided lateral thoracial access. At occlusion of distal portions of artery subclavia a choice method was roundabout autovenouse shunting.
    Optimization of surgical tactics has

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