• The medical of terminology’s tajik language in modern conditions

    Fathulloev T. F., Usupov A. N., Shekhov A.M.

    This article indicates that one of necessary conditions for use of medical terminology is the brevity and the pithiness which in many medical institutions isn’t observed. Besides in documentation analysis medical establishments the logic and unscientific content of many expressions and the offer, the wrong transfer and inexact terminology in the medical dictionary, and such mistakes in word-formation by means of suffixes is revealed.

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  • The renal complication in the long-term periods in the women who have had acute renal failure after birth

    Sodiqov A. M., Murodov A. M., Hamroqulov A. A., Shumilova O. V.

    The data obtained indicate excessively slow recovery of lost functions, which is most intense during the first 2 – 3 years and indicate the need for prolonged recovery of renal function for more than 6-7 years, deterioration of renal function contributed to: a chronic underlying disease (chronic glomerular – pyelonephritis, anemia, and subsequent pregnancy and childbirth in the background is not completely recovered renal function). Therefore, this group of patients should be on the dispensary to the full restoration of the functional usefulness of the kidneys, at least 2-3 years, and patients with chronic renal failure observed in different stages – for life.

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  • The renal complications in the women who have had acute renal failure, as soon as possible after birth

    Sodiqov A. M., Murodov A. M., Hamroqulov A. A., Shumilova O. V.

    Thus, in the near term, despite the fact that the recovery phase lasts more than a year, from 70 patients with CGF of all three groups is almost back to normal has not recovered any one patient: 34 patients (48.6%) recovered to 60 KGF – 50 ml / min, which corresponded to a stage of chronic renal failure, in 22 (31.4%) EC 45 – 25 ml / min., corresponding to stage 2 CHRF, 12 (17.1%) KGF 20 – 10 ml / min – 3 stage renal failure in 2 (2.9%) KGF less than 10 ml/min – end-stage renal failure. Therefore, in the near term, these patients require careful observation and treatment for the full rehabilitation and prevention of chronic renal failure.

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  • Important introduction of curse palliative care into education curriculum for nurses.

    Samadova G.A., Azizov Z.A., Abidjanova N., Sharipova Sh.T.

    Analyst work’s program of Republic Medical Kolledj show that important part of the palliative care have on the different study years. Prepared the module of the palliative care and put it on the end years of the study increase knowledge of the students, who can support population of the palliative care in the future.

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  • Diognostika blooflou inossociasion gostvoduodenal govermentolulcerc H.Pylori

    Rasulov N.A., Ashurov D.M., Ibrohimov H.K., Nurnazarov I.G.

    In the article were are discussed we urgent probems.The authors estimate the posibilitu moxden methods of diagnostic including defimte depres of H.Pylori. The ahtors consider for improving active individual factics et to carry out complex diagnos includiug FGDS with the termining the degree of H.Pilori. Particularey the caurse of severe bleeding to estimate the size and lacalisation of stomach duodenal ulser and complex prognosis of haemornage in patients gastroduodenoe ulserous haemorrhage is chacacterisfic manifastation of H.Pylori with it genetipe.

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  • Influences of age on expressed and frequency of separate components of metabolic syndrome at the patients with podagra

    Abduloev H.J., Sunatulloev D.S.

    Age dimorphism hypertriglyceridemia at the patients with podagra proved to be true also by presence of return correlation relation between a level of whey triglyceridemias and age on the moment of inspection. The frequency of revealing of the increased meaning of AP, on the contrary, has increased with age. It proved to be true also by presence of direct correlation dependence between age and absolute meanings systolic and diastolic of AP. Naturally, that the duration of disease was progressively increased with age of the surveyed patients. Nevertheless, the patients were younger, the in earlier age debuted podagra.

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  • Bioelectric activity of brain and nervous-mental status of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in the remote.

    Aliyev Z.D., Odinaev Sh.F., Odinaev F.I., Mehmonov P.H.

    A study of bioelectric activity brain (for 100 people) of neuropsychological status (1464) persons involved in the accident and its effects on Chernobyl showed reduction bioe-lectric activity of brain dysfunction-median structures of the brain by patofiziologicheskih developments intensity of metabolic processes in the brain. Radiative forcing in remote time significantly affect the functional status of the nervous system and in structure of morbidity in place leading liquidators asteno-neurotic condition, neurocirculatory dystonia and discirculatory encephalopathy.

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  • Ekological unusual use herbae Origanum qualitative detoxikacion and regined means

    Zubaydova T.M., Nuraliev Yu. N., Ghaniev Kh.A.

    The herbae Origanum as classical underefined means with the theory of Avicena in-crease the function of all excreate systems (bowels, kidneys, respiratory, disease, clemni and sebctons qlands).

    Refiring watery medium of organism (biood composition, limps, urine and the wa-tery bilious) tissue consider the tactical hersion-tajik medicine.

    The preparion used with those purpose ibn Cino called retiring means, whose low to assist dusting wish toksical thing from organism, between sebseous and clammy glands, conaider wide apply Origanum as detoxical resources.

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  • The clinical and immunological features of onychomycosis in elderly and the senile age

    Kasimov O. I., Salimov B. M., Kasimov A. O.

    From among 45 patients at the age of 60-85 (men – 36, women – 9) with onychomycosis 23 (51.1%) had distal and lateral form, 5 (11.1%) -superficial and white, 6 (13.3%) – proximal and hyponychial, 11 – total and dystrophic. All patients with onychomycosis had various forms of the athlete’s foot. The cell immunity decreased (fall of CD3 and CD8) and the humoral one increased (raise of IgM, IgG and the circulating immune complexes).

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