• Locking systems in orthopedic dentistry

    Nazarov Z.A., Ibragimov B.H., Akhmadov U. F.

    Application of attachments in recent years is considered lo be the most efficient way of fixing partial denture on supporting teeth.

    In this regard, the article describes prescriptions, methods of application, clinical and technological as well as laboratory stages of manufacturing different types of attachments.

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  • The features of a current of pregnancy, sorts, conditions of a lactation at women with an insufficient actual food

    Nyrmatova Z.I., Samieva N.U., Nyrmatov A.A.

    Studying of a current of pregnancy and sorts at women with an insufficient actual food has shown high relative density, late hestos, threates, anomalies of patrimonial activity, a trauma of soft patrimonial ways, an asphyxia of newborns. Lactation infringement it is diagnosed for every seventh woman in childbirth. Studying of the reasons гипогалактии has shown them: mediko- social, connected with complications of pregnancy and the sorts, caused by affective and personal infringements.

    The conducted research is a substantiation for system engineering of preventive, medical and rehabilitation actions for correction of a diet of an actual food of pregnant women and women in childbirth taking into account mediko- social factors that will allow to reduce number of complications during pregnancy and sorts, frequency and weight reduction milk allocation, to improve quality of life of feeding mothers.

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  • The estimation of modern methods of laboratory researches of toxic components of blood in diagnostics of degree of the intoxication of endotoxicose patients

    Tuychiboeva M.N.

    Modern methods of laboratory researches of toxic components of blood of endotoxicose patients are analyzed, and are revealed that as one of markers adequately reflecting intoxication degree at an early stage of development of pathology levels of molecules of the average weights which research is obviously important also perspective with the use of gel-chromatographic and Infrared- spectrometer methods can serve.

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  • The results of analysis of blood characteristics of the patients with sepsis and estimation of markers of its toxic components

    Tuychiboeva M.N., Ahmedova A.A., Mu- hammadnazirzoda N., Muradov A.M.
    Results of analysis of blood characteristics of the patients with sepsis and estimation of its toxic components markers are presented, and revealed that as one of markers adequately reflecting intoxication degree at an early stage of development of pathology levels of molecules of the average weights which research is obviously important and also perspective with the use of gel-chromatographic and Infrared- spectrometer methods can serve.

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  • The allergy and immunological reactivity in highland places the patients who have eczema

    Khaydaralieva Sh., Kasymov O.

    Quantivalent crossed sensitization in the majority of 31 examined highland eczema patients (men – 17, women – 14) at the age of 18-55 was revealed in the order of decrease to domestic, alimentary, epidermal, drug and pollen allergens. Immunological disorders were characterized by diminution of CD3-lymphocytes, increase of IgE by 1.9, IgG by 1.3 and of circulating immune complexes by 1.4, as well as by lessening of white cell’s phagocytic activity and of the phagocytic number. Immunological disturbances depend on the duration and severity of the disease.

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  • Comparative estimation of efficiency of some methods of treatment papillomatos throats at children

    Shamsidinov B.N., Mahmudnazarov M.I., Bekov A.A., Shajdoev S.S., Bustonov M.O.

    During the period with 2006 for 2010 under supervision of authors there were 45 children with papillomatosis of laryngs in children’s ЛОР – branch NMS MZ RT by which during the first hours stay in branch in an emergency order it is spent endolaryngeal removal of papillomas of a throat. With the account of character of a clinical current papillomatosis of laryngs patients have been divided into 2 groups. In the postoperative period, patients of both groups have received viferon-2 (500 000 МЕ) on 1 суппозиторий two times a day with the 12-sentry an interval every other day. Course of treatment made 5 days. For preventive maintenance of relapses of disease 17 (70 %) the patient of 1 group and 10 (60 %) to patients of the second group the first days after operation have been entered preparations индукторы interferon (ИФН) – амиксин and циклоферон. Clinical supervision

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  • Structural studying of pathology ENT bodies at children for the five years’ period

    Shamsidinov B.N., Mahmudnazarov M.I., Gijasov H.A., Kosimov A.A., Shajdoev S.S.

    In given article authors make the analysis of structure hospital ENT pathologies at children according to case records for the five years’ period on an example children’s ENT branches of the National medical centre of Republic Tajikistan. The increase in number of planned hospitalisation over the last 5 years is noted. It is established that in structure нозологических forms of diseases ENT of bodies of children’s age a leading place occupy a pathology of the top respiratory ways. The tendency to increase in number of patients with the complicated forms of a chronic purulent average otitis, and also papilomatos throats is revealed. Conclusions are drawn on organisation perfection оториноларингологической the help to children by carrying out of regular preventive actions on places and timely treatment of sharp pathologies ENT of bodies at children.

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  • Reproductive health of the women rendering commercial sexual services

    M.O. Bobokhojaeva

    The condition of reproductive health of the women rendering commercial sexual services in a city of Dushanbe is studied. Clinical inspection there have passed 300 working women of sex. The low index of somatic health is revealed, among РС diseases urine ways (34,6 %), disease intestinal path (13 3 %), disease of bodies of breath (6, 7 %) are most extended an anaemia (46,7 %), endocrine infringements (58, 2 %). In structure of a gynecologic pathologyinflammatorydiseasesofbodiesofasmall basin (ВЗОТ) – 94, 3 %, infringements menstrual a cycle – 27, 2 %, barreness – 13, 3 %, precancer diseases of a neck of a uterus – 5, 8 % are most extended. Among them address contraception, widespread the abortion practice is not spent, all it brings the contribution to a condition of reproductive and sexual health, vulnerability to , sexually transmitted infections and puts forward on the first place a problem of improvement of access of highly vulnerablegroup-workingwomenofsextoservices

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