Zakirova K.A., Makhmoudov R.U., Makhmudova P.U., Sultonova S.K.
The department of phthisiology TIPGPMP
We studied the influence of medico-social and economic factors on the incidence of tuberculosis. The main contingent of patients is unemployed young men aged 20 to 29 years, with incomplete secondary education, under-financed vital food, a living area (lower health standards), with a monthly income below the subsistence minimum of a large family living crowding, who have dependent from 6 to 10 people. By level of education 67% of respondents were with primary and secondary education, respondents with special secondary education was 22%, with higher and incomplete education — 11%. According to the social status of unemployed amounted to 53% of patients, the retirement age of 16%, working — 22%, employees — 5%, entrepreneurs — 3,7% of patients. Respondents living on income below the subsistence level, among the unemployed was 53%, working — 21%, pensioners — 16%, employees — 2,1%, entrepreneurs — 0,3%. To reduce the level of disability from tuberculosis is encouraged to improve the early diagnosis of disease through routine inspections, surveys of the population, promotion of a healthy lifestyle, improvement of living and working conditions, higher wages and the quality of expertise disability vulnerable part of the population.
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Information about the authors:
K.A. Zakirova — the chair of department of phthisiology TIPGPMP, dr. med. sci.; Tel: (992 37) 2277440, (992) 935985917; e-mail: