Кафедра дерматовенерологии ГОУ ИПОвСЗ РТ

Kasymov O.I, Kasymov A.O., Numanova S.I.

Department of Dermatology and STIs of State Educational Establishment «Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Sphere of Republic of Tajikistan»

Aim. To study the efficiency of Leson in the complex treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD) and chronic urticaria (CU).

Materials and methods. 38 patients with AD and 46 patients with CU. 20 (52,6%) men, 18 (47,4%) women (average age 24,5±2,3) at the age of 17-48. Methods: clinical, statistical.

Results. Itching in all forms of atopic dermatitis in patients discharged with clinical recovery and significant improvement began to decline from an average of 2-3 days of treatment, has completely stopped for 23-24 day, the inflammation in the lesions began to regress to an average of 3-4 day of therapy, completed the day of therapy to 25­26. SCORAD index from 35,4 points in patients with moderate course of AD and 18,6 — in patients with mild to end therapy decreased respectively to 7,6 and 4,8 points (P<0,05). Under the influence of the treatment clinical cure was achieved in 17 (44,7%) patients with AD, a significant improvement — in 13 (34,2%), improvement — in 7 (18,4%). Effects of treatment were observed in 1 (2,6%) patients.

Therapy with Leson gave a positive effect in all patients with chronic idiopathic urticaria. Clinical cure was achieved in 30 (65,2%) patients with CU, significant improvement — 7 (15,2%), moderate improvement — 5 (10,9%), slight im­provement — 4 (8,7%). The excellent results of treatment (duration of remission up to 3 months) were observed in 8 (17,4%) patients, good (remission duration up to 1 month) — in 12 (26,1%), satisfactory — in 19 (41,3%), poor — 7 (15,2%).

Conclusion. The study showed that Leson is effective in treating patients with atopic dermatitis, and chronic idio-pathic urticaria and is recommended for general use in the treatment of patients with these allergic dermatoses.


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