* Rakhimov Z.Ya., **KudratbekovA., * Narzullayeva A.R.

**Cardiologists Association of the Republic of Tajikistan

*Department of Cardiology with the course of clinical pharmacology TIPGPMP

The article is devoted to the study of the use of Meldrony in 30 patients with chronic coronary heart disease, stable angina of II-III class combined with arterial hypertension of II degree with high and very high risk of cardiovascular complications in conditions, Midlands Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous region of Tajikistan. Among the examined patients on the background of the drug Meldrony in a daily dose of 1000 mg, showed a significant improvement cardiohaemodynamic indicators. Simultaneously, a decrease of the average frequency of angina attacks a day with 2,77±0,26 to 1,52±0,17. Also noted a decrease of the daily quantity of consumed nitroglycerin from 2,4 to±0,23 to 1,4±0,16 and significant increase of tolerance to physical activity detected test 6-minute walk from 388±33 m up to 512±39 m Significantly increased the degree of shortening the anterior-posterior size of the left ventricle and the speed of the circular of the shortening of the fibres infarction. Examine the safety and efficacy of the use of Meldrony patients with stenocardia voltage conditions, Midlands Pamir confirmed distinct antianginal its properties.


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Information about the authors:

Rahimov Zikriya Yahyaevich — the chair of department of cardiology with course of clinic pharmacology TIPGPMP, the Honored worker of the RT, chief cardiologist of MH of RT, cn. med. sci., docent; work phone: (992 37) 236 4042, mobile phone: (992) 918616091; e-mail: rahimov4419@mail.ru


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