Safarov Z.Sh., Ahmedov A. A., Safarova T.M.


Department of public health, economy and management by public health with course of the medical statistics TIPGPMP

At the present stage of development the aim of the health system is the organization of qualita­tive models of infrastructure and management schemes. In the given aspect the most urgent health problem is to build a high-quality system of medical care. The article summarizes the results of the situational analysis of medical activities and evaluation of diagnostic services at the present stage in the conditions of state financing and transition to full cost accounting in the Republic of Tajikistan. Analysis of normative-legal documents showed that of 2866 institutions of primary health care 3,8% of them are represented by the district and city health centers, 26,5% of rural health centers, 10,8% in the specialized outpatient centers, 58,9 per cent — houses of health. Analysis of the equipment of the medical equipment in the period 1990-2011, showed that mostly diagnostic equipment prevailed in medical-preventive institutions, Dushanbe and Sughd regions (25,4% and 23,8%). On the balance of research institutions, Republican specialized hospitals and centres, it amounted to 19,9%. Oth­er administrative territories of the Republic of equipment diagnostic equipment was significantly lower. Analysis of the activity of the services on provision of diagnostic help to the population of the Republic of Tajikistan in the modern socio-economic conditions showed that the main factors in the development of diagnostic centers and efficiency of delivered medical assistance are: good governance, improving financing with the purpose of modernization, improvement of quality and successful use of personnel and technological potential.


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Information about the authors: Akhmedov Alamhon Akhmedovich — the chair of department of public health, the economy and man­agement for health care with a course of medical statistics TIPGPMP, Dr. med. sci., professor; Tel: (992) 919 936 622


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