Abduloev Kh.Dzh.
Department of therapy with a course of gerontology of State educational establishment «Institute of postgraduate education in health sphere of Republic of Tajikistan»
Aim. Determine the relationship between hyperuricemia with cardiovascular disease
Materials and methods. The study included 56 patients suffering from gout. All patients were identified lipid metabolism. Calculated as atherogenicindex, indirectly determining the aggregate contribution of lipid disorders in atherogen-esis. Lipid profile, total cholesterol was estimated by enzymatic photometric test «Chod-PAP», based on the principle of enzymatic hydrolysis and oxidation. Atherogenic index was calculated by the formula Klimova: (XC — HDL-C) / HDL-C. Index value greater than 4,0 was regarded as an appropriate high risk associated with atherosclerosis development of cardio — vascular diseases. Uric acid in the blood serum was determined using enzymatic photometric test with etiltoluindinom. Diagnosis and assessment of severity of obesity was carried out on the basis of body mass index (BMI) is recommended for use by the WHO. Art. All patients performed ECG in 12 standard leads to cardiograph «Jocare» (Japan). All patients who underwent definition vasoregulating endothelial activity was performed echocardiogram study.
Among the main FF more frequently observed increase in total cholesterol (89,3%), reduced HDL-C (60,7%) and increased atherogenic index (53,6%) and SBP (57,1%). Most of the patients showed an increase in BMI (85,7%). Visceral type of obesity, which is associated with increased risk of CVD, is set at 90% of gout patients with obesity. Arterial hypertension (AH) occurred in 57,1 % of patients. Among them, 63,6 % of patients were diagnosed with Stage I extent, 18,2% of AH II degree, at 18,2% — Stage III degree. CHD was detected in 32,1 % of patients, of whom 11,1% of patients had a history of myocardial infarction. In 88,9 % of patients were diagnosed with exceptional angina FC I-IV. At 1,8% of patients have a history of cerebrovascular accident. Chronic heart failure, grade I-II was detected in 10,7%, MS was diagnosed in 28,6% of patients studied. Thus, the examined patients we found a high frequency and two more cardiovascular risk factors. According to epidemiological studies, the combination of two or more factors of the patients significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular catastrophes. In 39 (48,7%) patients were various changes in the ECG. Of the other symptoms most commonly detected focal changes infarction (22 patients, accounting for 27,7 %). "Hidden" coronary insufficiency was detected in 7 of 10 patients who underwent bicycle ergometry. Echocardiography (echocardiography) examined 29 patients with gout. Draws the attention of a high percentage (37,9%) patients with aortic dilatation in the area of the aortic valve.
Thus, MK is able to induce the mechanisms contributing to the occurrence and progression of CVD. The presence of pathology of the cardiovascular system in the examined groups, allows us to consider them not as a co-morbidity, and the circle of symptoms developing on the background of impaired lipid metabolism and purine gout .
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