*Qosimov O.I., **Rajabov F.F., ***Shahmatov A.N., ****Bobiev G.M.

*Department of Dermatology and Venereology of Tajik Institute of Post-Graduate Education of Medical Staff

**Laboratory case course of Tajik Institute of Post-Graduate Education of Medical Staff

***JSC "Zand"

****The Chair of Organic and Biological Chemistry, Tajik State Pedagogical University by name S.Ayni

Aim. The study of the effectiveness of application of thymozin in treatment of patients with psoriasis.

Materials and methods. The study involved 60 patients with psoriasis aged 16 to 60 years. Duration of the disease ranged from 1 to several decades. Up to 5 years of life suffer from psoriasis 8, 6-10 years — 18, 10-20 years — 15, years more than 20 — 19 peoples.

In all of them there was a common form of psoriasis. Psoriasis became aggravated in 19 patients mainly after neuropsychiatric stress, and 21 — often because of relapse and concomitant allergic colds, the rest — unjustly.

All patients before and after treatment in addition to general clinical blood tests, including RVs, urine, feces on the I / worm , immunological tests were performed on the absolute and relative content of T- and B- lymphocytes in the peripheral blood, T-lymphocyte subpopulations, serum immunoglobulins CIC, phagocytic number and phagocytic activity of neutrophils.

Results. The vast majority of patients in both treatment groups suffered no side effects and complications. Clinical cure (complete resorption of psoriatic lesions) by the end of the combined treatment was observed in 53,3 % of cases in the study group, a significant improvement (75% complete regression of lesions and more) — 23,4 % improvement (50-75 % regression of lesions) — in 13,3 % of cases.

Summary. The complex treatment of patients with psoriasis with application of thymozin was much more effective than the traditional one. Influenced complex treatment timotsinwas normalized 8 of 9 modified to treat immunological parameters, the traditional — only. Absence of clinical effect of severe hereditary reason explained by hereditary reason.


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