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State Education Establishment “Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Sphere of Republic of Tajikistan” under Ministry of health and social protection of Republic of Tajikistan was rename from “Tajik Institute of Post-Graduate Education of Medical Staff “ according to the resolution of Council of Ministers of Republic of Tajikistan from 03.06.1993, protocol № 247 (renaming of the institute in 18.06.1994, protocol № 356, again in 03.03.2014, protocol № 148).
The Tajik Institute of Post-Graduate Education of Medical Staff was founded in 1993.
In 2003 the Institute has become a large education institution.
Today the institute has a clear structure: there are 15 independent departments, 5 faculties, 44 departments, 13 courses, more than 37 clinical sites in which work 247 qualified teachers. Among them 29 doctors of medical sciences, 16 of them have the rank of professor, 87 candidate of medical sciences, 19 senior lecturers and 5 senior teachers. The Institute has honored workers of science and technology of the republic, honored workers of Tajikistan, state award named after I. Somoni winners, laureates of awards of the union of youth of the Republic and honors healthcare.
The institute has The Dissertation Council on specialties of D 737.006.03: 01.14.14 – stomatology, 14.01.20 – anesthesiology and critical care medicine, protocol № 619 from 07.11.2014.
The range of specialties, which possible to train professionals in State Education Establishment “Institute of Postgraduate Education in Health Sphere of Republic of Tajikistan” account of 40 titles.
One of the forms of approximation of learning process to local conditions is the opening in 2002 affiliates of the Institute in Kurgan-Tube, Khatlon and Khujand cities. (Resolution of the Government of Republic of Tajikistan from 05.06.2002 № 246).
The Institute works closely with international organizations such as WHO, EOU, UNFPA, CARE International, ORA, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, USAID, Aga Khan Foundation, Soros Foundation and others to study the problems of reforming post-graduate education in Tajikistan. All this has enabled institution to take its rightful place among the other educational institutions.
Since 2011 the Institute publishes its own quarterly magazine “Scientific and practical journal of Tajik Institute of Post-Graduate Education of Medical Staff” renamed to “Herald of the Institute of postgraduate education in health sphere” which prints the main results of dissertations for scientific degree for candidate of sciences and for scientific degree for doctor of science.
To the institute are permitted activities in postgraduate medical and pharmaceutical education (general, thematic and targeted improvements, retraining, internship, residency, master and second education) on the basis of licenses "On conduction educational activities in the medical and pharmaceutical education area" series MH MO № 0000001 license 0410013148 from 30.11.2010 and Identity "On state accreditation" series MH № 000 0001 on February 8, 2011 (№1).