The contribution to studing the pathology of infections
27.01.2014A.A. Sharipov, M.F. Narzuloeva, A.H. Tolibov, A.D. Salimov
Read moreA.A. Sharipov, M.F. Narzuloeva, A.H. Tolibov, A.D. Salimov
Read moreGeneralized results of x-ray estimations of the condition of endoparodontal status supporting teeth in system of metalceramic designs in the article. Estimated quality of the filling root channel in the supporting teeth, residing under unremoved metalceramic design. It is noted that absence of the full-fledged access to root channel does not allow to conduct qualitative processing and guaranteed obturation of root channel, particularly in events their complex construction that is indicative of low level endodontic treatments when preparing teeth to prosthesis.
Read moreYorakov F.M., Ashurov G.G.
Evaluated results of atraumatic restavration therapy beside 78 children at age 9-12 years with sign of partial demineralization of the enamel. It is revealled that used glassionomer cements after smallinvasive preventive filling remained safe through 24 month on 100% surfaces teeth beside persons with high structured-functional resistnce of enamel, on 95,3% surfaces teeth – beside persons with moderate cariesresistance, on 85,8 and 66,7% surfaces teeth – accordingly beside persons with lowered and very low structured-functional resistance of the enamel teeth.
Read moreMirzoev S.M., Еnikeev А.А., Mirzoev F.S.
In article in analysis of surgical treatment of cataract at 62 patients with syndrome pseudoexfoleativ is resulted. Principal causes operational and before operational period, and also functional results of operations and accompanying pathologies are taped.
Read moreNazarov Z.A., Ahrorova Z.K.
Unfortunately, the viral hepatitis is in development today. Therefore, we have carried out a laboratory test of the state of tissue in the cavity of mouth of 55 cases with hepatitis B and C. The test confirmed that the use of 6 tablets of Imudon per day (during 20 days) contributed to a speedy recovery from parodont with people bearing viral hepatitis.
Read moreNyrmatova Z.I., Samieva N.U., Nyrmatov A.A.
Studying of a current of pregnancy and sorts at women with an insufficient actual food has shown high relative density, late hestos, threates, anomalies of patrimonial activity, a trauma of soft patrimonial ways, an asphyxia of newborns. Lactation infringement it is diagnosed for every seventh woman in childbirth. Studying of the reasons гипогалактии has shown them: mediko- social, connected with complications of pregnancy and the sorts, caused by affective and personal infringements.
The conducted research is a substantiation for system engineering of preventive, medical and rehabilitation actions for correction of a diet of an actual food of pregnant women and women in childbirth taking into account mediko- social factors that will allow to reduce number of complications during pregnancy and sorts, frequency and weight reduction milk allocation, to improve quality of life of feeding mothers.
Read moreTuychiboeva M.N., Ahmedova A.A., Mu- hammadnazirzoda N., Muradov A.M.
Results of analysis of blood characteristics of the patients with sepsis and estimation of its toxic components markers are presented, and revealed that as one of markers adequately reflecting intoxication degree at an early stage of development of pathology levels of molecules of the average weights which research is obviously important and also perspective with the use of gel-chromatographic and Infrared- spectrometer methods can serve.
Khaydaralieva Sh., Kasymov O.
Quantivalent crossed sensitization in the majority of 31 examined highland eczema patients (men – 17, women – 14) at the age of 18-55 was revealed in the order of decrease to domestic, alimentary, epidermal, drug and pollen allergens. Immunological disorders were characterized by diminution of CD3-lymphocytes, increase of IgE by 1.9, IgG by 1.3 and of circulating immune complexes by 1.4, as well as by lessening of white cell’s phagocytic activity and of the phagocytic number. Immunological disturbances depend on the duration and severity of the disease.
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