M.O. Bobokhojaeva
The condition of reproductive health of the women rendering commercial sexual services in a city of Dushanbe is studied. Clinical inspection there have passed 300 working women of sex. The low index of somatic health is revealed, among РС diseases urine ways (34,6 %), disease intestinal path (13 3 %), disease of bodies of breath (6, 7 %) are most extended an anaemia (46,7 %), endocrine infringements (58, 2 %). In structure of a gynecologic pathologyinflammatorydiseasesofbodiesofasmall basin (ВЗОТ) – 94, 3 %, infringements menstrual a cycle – 27, 2 %, barreness – 13, 3 %, precancer diseases of a neck of a uterus – 5, 8 % are most extended. Among them address contraception, widespread the abortion practice is not spent, all it brings the contribution to a condition of reproductive and sexual health, vulnerability to , sexually transmitted infections and puts forward on the first place a problem of improvement of access of highly vulnerablegroup-workingwomenofsextoservices
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