Mirzoeva Z. A., Khajaeva D. S., Abdulhaeva Sh.R., Kabirov K. M.
Dab screening according to Papanikolau should cover age from 30 to 60 years with a condition of passing of screening each 5 years. The obtained data and experience of carrying out screening show that quality of dabs and correctness of the cytologic diagnosis have bigger value for decrease in a disease by a cancer of a neck of a uterus, than increase in frequency of screening or the screening beginning at earlier age. The majority of cases of a weak displaziya (CIN 1) without treatment is exposed to return development while cases of a heavy displaziya (CIN III) without treatment tend to development of an invasive cancer. The most “vulnerable” site is the zone of transition multilayered flat an epiteliya in cylindrical epiteliya. This research traced the women (424) who have addressed to family doctors to whom dab on flora was taken. The big percent of incidence was observed by inflammatory diseases among women at the age
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