Bakhodurov D.T., *Akhmedov U.U., Asadov S.K.

Department of pediatric surgery, anesthesiology and reanimatology of State educational establishment «Institute of postgraduate education in health sphere of Republic of Tajikistan»

*Department of Environment of Tajik Medical State University named after Abuali-ibn-Sino

Aim. To develop and implement programs for the Epidemiological Monitoring of nosocomial infections in surgical departments, according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan on the need to create model programs for each department, as well as some projects WHO.

Materials and methods. The study used epidemiological, microbiological and statistical methods of research-based surgical departments of medical institutions in Dushanbe. Control of nosocomial infection was based on the analysis of the incidence of nosocomial infection, depending on the type of surgery, the operating class of bacterial contamination of the wound; structure of hospital morbidity in the offices at various operations; etiological structure analysis and drug susceptibility of nosocomial infection.

Results. Total analyzed 945 operations performed in surgical wards from 1 January 2007. December 31, 2013. Of 2960 patients admitted to the surgical department, surgery suffered 38,9% (in 1634 pers.). Age of patients ranged from 8 to 60 years, but was dominated by persons from 8 to 49 years (75,3%). Some of the patients admitted to the pres­ence of comorbidities (47,4%). Cardiovascular disease (ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, hypertension, myocardial infarction) was 46.7% of patients, the disease of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, peptic ulcer and duodenal ulcer) — at 13,8% of the bronchopulmonary system (bronchitis, asthma) in 8,3%.

Postoperative wound infection in patients met with a frequency of 7,0 per 100 operated. When distributing the inci­dence of hospital surgical wound infections, depending on the class of wound contamination revealed that the incidence of surgical wound infections among patients with postoperative wounds I (clean) and II (clean — contaminated) class of bacterial contamination was almost the same — 4,1 and 4, respectively, 2 in operation 100. The incidence of surgical wound infections in III (contaminated) class was higher by more than 2 times (9,8 per 100 operations). The highest incidence rates were observed among patients with infected wounds Class IV (26,4 to 100 operates).

Conclusion. For prevention and treatment of postoperative complications should be used cephalosporins V-th generation сefotoksin, сefozolin, ceftazidime, etc.


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