Kasymova M.K., Bobokhojaeva M.O., Ahmedov A., Mirzoeva F.O.
Department of Public Health, Economics, Management and Medical Statistics of Tajik Institute of Post-Graduate Education of Medical Staff City Center of Reproductive Health
Aim. Rate of gender relations and their impact on reproductive behavior and health in the modern world.
Materials and methods. To study the influence of gender relations on the reproductive behavior of families we analyzed the legislation of Tajikistan, the literature data on this subject over the past 10 years and an opinion poll in 1083 people, the inhabitants of cities and regions, including 332 (30,7%) men and 751 (69,3%) women. We developed the questionnaire includes 57 questions that characterized the parameters such as age and sex structure of the population, social status, material — living conditions, economic status of the family, age parameters characterizing reproduction: age at first sex, age of women in marriage; motives for marriage, the need for children; attitude towards large families; line reproductive behavior, and proto-intergenetik interval, information about contraception, contraceptive use, the impact of gender relations.
Results. Socio-economic problems of the transition period , the Civil War of 1992-1994. impact on the position of both women and men, and changed the nature of gender relations. During the years of independence, Tajikistan has developed its own model of state policy on the NIJ ensure equal rights and opportunities for men and women. The country developed and adopted laws to protect women's rights in family relations , labor law, criminal law.
However, developed legal framework is not enough to achieve real gender equality. Analysis shows that in Tajikistan are felt both traditional and new gender issues at all levels of political, economic and social spheres. Despite the ongoing gender policy of the state, on the processes of transformation and modernization in Tajik society, women have a lower social status. It continues to operate the patriarchal model of the relationship between men and women. Studies have shown the population is still dominated by traditional attitudes to age at marriage. The study of motives for marriage revealed the dominance of traditional gender norms. Of the 68,2% of respondents indicate that they have entered into a marriage through the "courtship", ie, the groom / bride chose parents. the number of children in the family receives the husband (56,2 % ) men, by virtue of the prevailing gender stereotypes are often an obstacle to women receiving services in the field of reproductive health.
Conclusion. Found that in the investigated families dominated mainly traditional gender norms in the field of demographic orientations. Gender relations have a significant impact on reproductive behavior and reproductive health.
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