Nazarov F.N., Linnik S.A.
Chair of surgery of Kurgan-Tyube office of State educational establishment «Institute of postgraduate education in health sphere of Republic of Tajikistan»
State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "North — Western State Medical University named after II Mechnikov Federal Agency for Health and Social Development" (VPO SZGMU Mechnikov Medical University), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Aim. To optimize the method of transosseous osteosynthesis in patients with fractures of the long bones in combined and multiple injuries of the lower extremities .
Materials and methods. The clinical cases of 232 patients with 300 fractures of the long bones were in health care facilities (HCF) of St. Petersburg, Russia and the city of Kurgan-Tube, Tajikistan .
Results. Found that the use of external fixation devices in case of damage of the long bones and their complications allows for seam bone fragments to restore the rotational movement of the limbs, reduce treatment time. When combined trauma, complex fractures of the long bones external fixation allows closed by achieve precise matching of bone fragments and adequate compression regardless of the degree of displacement of fragments and old injuries. In patients with long bone damage method allows firmly fix the bone fragments and to avoid complications. The possibilities for priority use of external fixation devices, in particular — the unit GA Ilizarov, which, from our point of view, is considered the most effective.
Conclusion. Minor traumatic, versatility, possibility of staged implementation installation and management fragments during treatment provide optimization of reparative processes and early recovery of limb function. Reduction in terms of hospitalization, low rate of complications and early medical and social rehabilitation of the affected characteristic for Ilizarov method in emergency trauma, determine its high economic efficiency.
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