Shumilina O.V., Muradov A.M.
Department of efferent medicine and intensive therapy of State educational establishment «Institute of postgraduate education in health sphere of Republic of Tajikistan»
Indirect electrochemical oxidation is the process of modulating mono-oxygenized oxidation in liver on cytochrome R-450. Herewith the hydrophobic toxic components moves into hydrophilic which later on actively removes from organism by excreting organs. By using special electrochemical equipments, the isotonic saline solution exposes electrolyses, transforms into hypo chloride sodium, that appear to be highly active oxidation with broad range impact. As for external and intra cavity use the medicine showed up as active antiseptic, necrolitic and anti-inflammatory agent. In intravascular injection of therapeutically concentration of the hypo chloride sodium (0,06%) renders remarkable detoxication effect. Promote hypo coagulation and improve the reologic characteristics of blood. Farther redistribution intracellular and serum concentration of electrolytes , that effectively normalize metabolic disorders, provides also control of bacteria grow , decreases the resistant of microorganisms to antibiotics, cause indirect correction of immune system. Effectively decries the blood concentration of hydrophobic, hydrophilic, amfiphilic toxic compounds, corrects the hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia. These all the characteristics of indirect oxidation has been widely implemented in different field of medicine: surgery, efferent medicine, stomatology, obstetric and gynecology , oncology, dermatovenerology, infectious diseases etc.
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