Structural studying of pathology ENT bodies at children for the five years’ period

Structural studying of pathology ENT bodies at children for the five years’ period

Shamsidinov B.N., Mahmudnazarov M.I., Gijasov H.A., Kosimov A.A., Shajdoev S.S.

In given article authors make the analysis of structure hospital ENT pathologies at children according to case records for the five years’ period on an example children’s ENT branches of the National medical centre of Republic Tajikistan. The increase in number of planned hospitalisation over the last 5 years is noted. It is established that in structure нозологических forms of diseases ENT of bodies of children’s age a leading place occupy a pathology of the top respiratory ways. The tendency to increase in number of patients with the complicated forms of a chronic purulent average otitis, and also papilomatos throats is revealed. Conclusions are drawn on organisation perfection оториноларингологической the help to children by carrying out of regular preventive actions on places and timely treatment of sharp pathologies ENT of bodies at children.



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