Kasymov O.I., Kasymov A.O.
The department of dermatovenerology of TIPGPMP
The article shows the efficiency of complex method of treatment of mycosis stop with onychomycosis in elderly and senile ages using immunostimulant thymocine 45 patients aged 60 to 85 years. Using methods of bacteriological research, 64.4% of the patients were grown culture of Trichophyton rubrum, in 11.1% of Trichophyton mentagrophytis var.interdigitale, in 24.4% — fungi not sown. Intertriginous form of mycosis stop diagnosed in 12 patients, dishydrotic — 6, mixed — 18. Combination squamous and intertriginous forms was observed in 11 patients, squamous, dishydrotic and intertriginous — for 7. The erased form of mycosis stop was noted in 9 patients. Immediate and remote results of treatment showed a significant advantage of an integrated method of treatment with the application of immune system stimulant. By the end of 6 months of follow-up highly effective results when immunostimulating therapy were achieved in 83,3% of patients in the group of patients treated without immunomodulator, efficiency indicator accounted for 61.9%. Among patients with total-dystrophic and proximal forms of combined treatment of onychomycosis gave clinical and mycological recovery in 66.7%, without immunostimulant — only 50%. The average speed of growth of nail plates stop in complex treatment using thymocine amounted to 1.37±0.06 mm per month, which is much faster than in the treatment only systemic antimycotics. The obtained results have shown the effectiveness of immunostimulating method of treatment of athlete's foot with onychomycosis, compared with the traditional.
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Information about the authors:
Kasimov Abos Olimovich — the postgraduate of department of dermatovenereology TIPGPMP; Tel: (992) 918523285; e-mail: a.kasymov@