Gafarov H.O., Shakirov M.N., Mirzoev M.Sh.
The department of maxillofacial surgery with children stomatology of TIPGPMP
Questionnaire of 108 patients with advanced stages of malignant tumors of maxillo-facial region studied the nature of the chronic pain syndrome and assessing the effectiveness of traditional pain therapy. The 58,3% of the observed diagnosed with advanced stage cancer of mucous membranes of the oral cavity, 23.1% of installed cancer of mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus, a 3.7% identified advanced stage of osteosarcoma jaws. The 3rd and the 4th stage of malignant process revealed respectively of 17.6% and 82.5% of the observed. Among patients with the character of the pain syndrome and effectiveness of the analgetic therapy were studied by the method of questioning on the specially prepared questionnaire. Study of the dynamics of pain syndrome showed that the pain intensified after their first appearance during the first 3 months of 20,3% of patients during 3-6 months — 37,0%in 6-12 months in 25,9%, later than 1 year — 16,6% of patients. Analysis of the nature of pain showed that 37.9% of persons they are «Ripper» character, 27.7% of «capturing», 23.1% of the «hot», 6,5% — «breaking», 4.6% — «whining». It is established that the pain syndrome in this category of patients is often neuropathic development mechanism, which explains the lack of effectiveness of pain therapy using drugs. The findings suggest the need for further improvement of the well-known methods and search for new, more effective methods of reduction of chronic pain syndrome in this category of patients.
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Information about the authors:
Gafarov Khurshedjan Olimjanovich — the postgraduate of department of maxillofacial surgery with pediatric stomatology TIPGPMP; Tel: (+992) 927806737; e-mail: