X-ray estimation to alveolar bone in patients with chronic diseases organ and systems

X-ray estimation to alveolar bone in patients with chronic diseases organ and systems

Ashurov G.G., Ismoilov A.A.

On the grounds of X-ray examination patients with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (25), endocrine (27) and cardiovascular (26) pathology is installed risk of the development osteoporosis of the alveolar offshoot and is forecasted development actively progressing resorbtion of the bone fabrics. Amongst patients with presence raised mineral sediment in year, 18 months and 3 accordingly in 85,7% , 81,6% and 79,5% events  X-ray’s were not noted reduction of the height interdentally alveolar partition. For similar period of the observation beside persons without surplus sediment calcium on peripheries of the alveolar offshoot importance reduction of the height interdentally alveolar partition  corresponded to 74,3%, 69,2% and 61,7%.



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